Nå kan du kjøre som 007!
Har du alltid drømt om å være hemmelig agent og kjøre Aston Martin?
Vel, agentjobben er vrien, men har du 4 millioner til overs kan du i hvert fall by på en ekte 007-bil.

I forbindelse med feiringen av «60 år med James Bond» auksjonerer Christies.com bort en rekke gjenstander fra alle James Bond-filmene. Nå kan du kjøre som 007!
Gjenstand nummer 19 er en ASTON MARTIN DBS SUPERLEGGERA, NO TIME TO DIE 007 SPECIAL EDITION med utropspris 300.000 – 400.000 pund.
Fakta om bilen:
Colour: Ceramic Grey
Registration: KU70 ZBL
Date of Registration: 8 January 2021
Engine: 5.2 litre twin-turbo V12, AE31/54999
Power: 715bhp/900Nm
Transmission: Rear-mounted 8-speed ZF Automatic
Chassis: R02151
Height: 1280 mm.
Width: (including mirrors): 2146 mm.
Length: 4712 mm.
Wheelbase: 2805 mm.
Christies.com skriver følgende om den helt spesielle bilen:
«To celebrate the Aston Martin DBS Superleggera featuring in No Time To Die (2021), Aston Martin created a unique 007 Edition.
With the same specification as the DBS Superleggera driven by Nomi (Lashana Lynch) in No Time To Die, only twenty-five production cars were made and sold out instantly. Unlike the production cars, this DBS has a unique plaque with etched signatures from producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli and actor Lashana Lynch.
The 715bhp provided by the DBS Superleggera’s 5.2-litre V12 twin-turbocharged engine is befitting of the car’s range-topping status. To this potent mix, the DBS Superleggera 007 Edition adds a raft of styling and design enhancements that further elevate its appeal. The car sports special Ceramic Grey exterior paint with the roof, mirror caps, splitter, diffuser and rear AerobladeTM featured in black tinted carbon fibre. Also unique to the 007 Edition are visually striking Gloss Black diamond-turned Y-Spoke 21-inch-wheels. This special edition also features a 007 fender badge, finished in chrome with a black enamel infill and Stainless Steel Silver 007 foil applied to the rear spoiler blade.
Inside, the cockpit of this DBS Superleggera is a dark, brooding, leather-clad environment with flashes of red detailing the outline of the seats. Subtle 007 branding can be found on the door cards, armrest buckle badge and on the rear subwoofer cover.
This vehicle is sold as seen. It is offered with a current manufacturer’s warranty, details of which (including limitations and terms) are available from Christie’s upon request. The Seller does not offer any warranties of any kind other than those set out in paragraph E1 of the Conditions of Sale set out in the back of this catalogue or on christies.com. Christie’s gives no warranty in relation to any statement made, or information given, by us or by our representatives or employees about any lot other than as set out in the authenticity warranty set out in paragraph E2 of the Conditions of Sale set out in the back of this catalogue or on christies.com.
As far as allowed by law, all warranties and other terms which may be added to the Conditions of Sale by law are excluded.
While any description of the vehicle or its condition is given honestly and with appropriate care, Christie’s staff are not vehicle specialists. Interested buyers are advised to satisfy themselves as to the condition of this vehicle and to seek independent specialist advice on condition if required. Please contact Christie’s to arrange an appointment to visually inspect the vehicle.
The lot is sold without intellectual property rights of any kind (including without limit copyright or other reproduction rights in or relating to the vehicle or the James Bond franchise).
This vehicle honours the relationship between Aston Martin and the James Bond franchise. It was not used in No Time To Die or any other James Bond franchise film.
The seller of this lot has agreed to donate their entire proceeds of the sale of this lot, if sold, to The Royal Foundation, a registered UK charity. The Royal Foundation is registered in England and Wales with registered charity number 1132048. In addition, Christie’s will donate our entire buyer’s premium, less any costs incurred in selling the lot, please see further detailed information at the back of this catalogue.»
Det er to auksjoner i løpet av September/Oktober. Først en live auksjon den 28. september kl 20.00 på kvelden, norsk tid (dobbeltsjekk tid når det nærmer seg). Her skal det selges en rekke gjenstander fra den nyeste filmen, «No time to die». Blant annet Aston Martin som nevnt over.
I perioden 15. september til 5. oktober 2022 blir det i tillegg avholdt en online auksjon hvor det selges gjenstander fra alle de 25 James Bond-filmene som er laget. Her kan du se alle gjenstandene som er til salg.

Her ser du en Tom Ford-dress som Daniel Craig hadde på seg i filmen «Skyfall» (2012). Den kan bli din. Utropsprisen er 10.000-15.000 pund. Det er lite sannsynlig at du sikrer deg den for under 150.000 norske kroner. Men, har du størrelse 48F i jakke, er kanskje fristelsen for stor til å motstå?